IANZ – International Accreditation NZ

Spectrum Lab is accredited by International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ), which means that the endorsed laboratory services comply with the International Standard ISO/IEC 17025 – General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.

Spectrum Lab has three areas of accreditation, electrical appliance testing, solid fuel (wood stove) testing and calibration of ovens and environmental chambers.  Click on the links below to see the latest scope of accreditation

Electrical & Environmental Tests on Appliances https://cabis.ianz.govt.nz/ianzwebportal/ViewScope.aspx?Program=0e7e7577-b9b7-4093-990b-3563e5547e51

Solid Fuel Fired Appliances  https://cabis.ianz.govt.nz/ianzwebportal/ViewScope.aspx?Program=a39aa097-7597-41df-aef4-611d707cee70

Temperature Controlled Enclosures & Hygrometry  https://cabis.ianz.govt.nz/ianzwebportal/ViewScope.aspx?Program=8a837d51-1650-4fbe-b672-7b808a814beb


IANZ was established in 1972 as the accreditation body of the Testing Laboratory Registration Council. Through membership of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and of the regional group, Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC) accreditation is recognised in over 65 countries around the world.

That means test reports from IANZ accredited laboratories and inspection bodies are
accepted in those countries as if they had been prepared there.

Spectrum’s accreditation is an assurance that it has met the exacting standards of
IANZ. Accreditation is maintained through on-going and rigorous assessment of the

This ensures:

  • The competence and experience of Spectrum’s staff
  • The integrity and traceability of Spectrum’s equipment and materials
  • The technical validity of Spectrum’s methods
  • The validity and suitability of Spectrum’s results
  • Spectrum’s compliance with ISO 9002 management system requirements

IANZ accreditation is an assurance that Spectrum operates effective quality processes, providing a professional service through an expertise and technical competence that is recognised as world-class.

“IANZ accreditation means Spectrum is delivering a high standard of testing, which in turn gives you – our clients – peace of mind.”

9B Lady Ruby Drive, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013

+64 (09) 271 1616

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